Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Progress is messy

 Last week and into the weekend, the project went through a messy phase with spray foam insulation installation and the roof being completed.

This week is about continuing the masonry work for the fireplace and wall near the walkout stairs and adding the shiplap to the ceiling of the porch.

After the ceiling, the support posts and all trims will be wrapped in Azek to protect them from rotting or warping, so they hopefully never have to be replaced (by us at least).

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Siding, Electrical, and Fire!

Lots of progress here the past couple of weeks! 

Cedar siding went on, the electrical and gas work are done, and we have a working fireplace!

Tomorrow, stone work starts and the roof shingles go on. After that, a few more weeks for the finishes including wrapping all the posts, installing the ceiling, light fixtures, and speakers and then putting up the screens. And gutters, and the TV...so there is still quite a bit left. :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

It's a structure!

 Lots of progress here the past couple of weeks. Headers and fireplace framing went in a week and a half ago, and then trusses arrived last Thursday. This week, the trusses were installed and the plywood layer of the roof was installed. It is really looking more like a structure now.

Later this week will be electrical and gas line work.